Limited Graduation Ceremony

Mar 18, 2021 16:58
Limited Graduation Ceremony

Today, my university held a graduation ceremony at Nippon Budokan with restricted admission.

No graduates' families were allowed to attend, and only graduates and faculty members were able to attend.

Participation is not mandatory, and some graduates and faculty members were absent.

Although it was a limited graduation ceremony, I felt that it was a big change compared to the graduation ceremony last year that was canceled due to COVID-19.

Of course, attendees were required to go home promptly after the graduation ceremony.

I hope that we will be able to hold a thank-you party or a graduation party next year.






No. 1 Alisa (アリサ)'s correction
  • Today, my university held a graduation ceremony at Nippon Budokan with restricted admission.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • No graduates' families were allowed to attend, and only graduates and faculty members were able to attend.
  • No graduates' families were allowed to attend. Only graduates and faculty members were able to attend.
  • Participation is not mandatory, and some graduates and faculty members were absent.
  • Participation was not mandatory, and some graduates and faculty members were absent.
  • Although it was a limited graduation ceremony, I felt that it was a big change compared to the graduation ceremony last year that was canceled due to COVID-19.
  • Although it was a limited admission graduation ceremony, I felt that it was a big change compared to the graduation ceremony last year that was canceled due to COVID-19.
  • Of course, attendees were required to go home promptly after the graduation ceremony.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I hope that we will be able to hold a thank-you party or a graduation party next year.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Congratulations on your graduation!
Thank you for the correction and comment!
BTW, I am a teacher and not a graduate, just to be sure. :)

I realized that after I already submitted the comment, haha